Well I guess I should start from the beginning. Last year I was seriously considering making a new blog. I just had that itch that I wanted something new. At first I thought that maybe a new blog design would be nice but I felt like it had to be something more. For a few years I had this blog title Books Unbound floating around in my mind that I really wanted to do something with. But did I really want to go through all the trouble of making a new blog, building up a new base of followers and literally start from scratch with blog posts?
YES! I did!! For the past 6 months or so I have been in the process of setting up my new blog with all it's own accounts and to finally have everything separate from my personal social media is such a relief. Now I can finally narrow down all my email accounts and everything else to just one for personal use and one for blogging! But the thing that's even better is that I wouldn't be starting from scratch! I was able to export all my posts from Elegantly Bound Books to Book Unbound and in just a few weeks Elegantly Bound Books will automatically re-direct to Books Unbound! I get to keep all my content on my beautiful new blog!
So for the next 2 weeks everything that I post on Books Unbound will also be posted here on Elegantly Bound books with a reminder that Elegantly Bound Books will not be around for much longer! So if you're an avid reader and follower of Elegantly Bound Books please please please make the move with me to Books Unbound! You can find all my social media icons on my new blog so it's super easy to follow me now! Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter, or Bloglovin; it's your choice!
Without any further ado, you either click on any of the links above to check out my new blog or click on my new button!