Friday Funnies is brought to you by the People of Walmart. If you have never been to this website, I highly suggest that you check it out. Every Friday I will be sharing my favorite person of Walmart that I found during the week. So sit back, relax and laugh because it's Friday and we have the weekend to look forward to.

Caption: "Guess who's back....back again....guess who's back...with his patterned back end. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, da da da.
OMG it's so funny! Look at his fanny pack and his white socks are pulled up over his calves!! **Gasping for air** WOW!
I love People of Walmart! It's such a hilarious website!
And another thing...what is it with old guys wearing these see-through white shorts with patterned undies? I swear there's at least one every week! Unless it's all the same guy and I'm just
This is soo.. funny, oh the things you see in walmart.. ha
Thanks for making me laugh. LOL
People of Walmart cracks me up! Great choice for a Friday Funny!
I haven't heard of this site before!
Lol, great pick! Well, err, maybe not such a great image though, haha. That is some serious level of distrubing. XD
Oh wow.... you know I managed in our local store for 14 years and I did see some great ones.... but .... yeah.... wow. I am just really hoping that the "Spackle" print on his underwear is just that.... a print.
I can not find the button to follow you
I had never heard of this-I spent a long time at that site and laughed my head off. Thanks.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
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