I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about which reading challenges would be right for me. There are so many I want to participate in, but I had to narrow it down to just a few. Even though many of the books can overlap into other challenges, I came to a solid decision to take part in just these 4. Since I prefer to read Young Adult novels in the paranormal/fantasy genre, the challenges I chose should suit me just fine. I also love supporting new authors and I also wanted to dip a little into comic books in the coming year. So without further ado, I give you my 2010 reading challenges.
2010 Young Adult Reading Challenge hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog

I am going to set my sights a little high and shoot for the Just My Size Challenge of 25 books. I am also going to try to devote the majority of this challenge to books that are not of the paranormal/fantasy genre. The first books listed are those that I have in my possession that I have not yet read.
1. Wake by Lisa McMann
2. Unleashed by Kristopher Keisz
3. Masquerade by Melissa de la Cruz
4. Sea Change by Aimee Friedman
5. Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz
6. Tempted by P.C. Cast
Neil Gaiman Reading Challenge
For the Neil Gaiman reading challenge, participantes are required to read 5 of Gaiman’s books whether hard copy, audio or comic book.
1. The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
2. Coraline
The Debut Author Challenge hosted by The Story Siren

Kristi is challenging everyone that participates to read at least 12 novels by debut authors. I’m going to make enough space for 12 and if I happen to read more then I will add them later. This is currently a tentative list and may be subject to change.
1. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
2. Brightly Woven by Alexendra Bracken
3. The Mark by Jen Nadol
4. Firespell by Chloe Neill
5. The Line by Teri Hall
6. Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
7. Freaksville by Kitty Keswick
The Fantasy Reading Challenge hosted by the girls at Royal Reviews

The Fantasy Reading Challenge can include YA Fantasy or Historical Fantasy, Science Fiction Fantasy or any other sub genre of Fantasy. There really are no limits to this challenge as Fantasy is such a wide and varied genre.
I will be participating in the fascinated level of 6 books but I have not chosen any yet.
Fun Events!!
As I am quickly coming up on 50 followers (wow, I didn't think anyone would want to read this) I will be hosting a giveaway to followers who decide to participate. I’m not sure what I will be giving away but I’m definitely open to suggestions. Let me know what you would like to win!
I am also teaming up the Nick from Lions and Men to do some sort of joint post as we read through The Sandman comic book series by Neil Gaiman. This is my first comic book experience so I’m really excited about what it has to bring.
As Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, I volunteered to participate in Simply Stacie's Valentine's Day event. I will be doing some kind of guest post/book review on a romance novel that I will be choosing very soon.
New Year’s Resolutions
As I was thinking about the New Year and all it has to offer, I thought I should come up with some way to better myself. I came up with these aspects in my life that I have wanted to change for some time now. And what a better way than to be held accountable through a blog; so I’ve decided to share these resolutions with you all!
1. Wake up at a reasonable hour and stop wasting away the day sleeping.
2. Finish homework in advance. I usually start my assignments at 11pm when they’re due at midnight!! No more of that.
3. Workout more and eat less dairy!!!!!
4. Write my book reviews within a week of finishing the book so I don’t forget what the book was about…..lol.
5. Read a blog post in its entirety before commenting.
6. Pay my bills on time….enough said.
7. Don’t put off oil changes
8. And last but not least…..take my vitamins EVERY DAY!!!
That about sums it up. What are some of your New Years resolution?
I’m looking forward to a new year of blogging and sharing my thoughts with you guys. Thanks for all the help, encouragement and awards!